Enhance your customer experience with PIM solution

PIM solution

Satisfying customers in the present-day technology-driven and hyper-connected world means delivering a compelling, omnichannel, and superior experience. That said, more and more business organizations are turning to innovative technologies to transform their buyers' experiences. Among these technologies is product information management.

Implementing this solution not only assists in streamlining the workload of your team but also helps to design better experiences for your customers. This post will discuss how you can enhance your customers' experiences and the benefits of using a centralized solution. Goaland.com may help you in this subject.

Ways of Enhancing Customer Experience

A centralized product information management platform can collect the data of a product and manage and enrich it. In turn, this helps to make your brand more customer-centric. You can enhance your CX by:

1. Developing a single master data record

Multiple sources of data give crucial yet unstructured data from in and out of the company. This data can be housed in several systems such as enterprise resource planning, managing customer relationship, managing orders, hard drives, and other repositories.

Moreover, the information is collected from suppliers, customers, clients, retailers, and other stakeholders. Typically, given the complex inputs from numerous units, the marketing department of a company is expected to maintain this information, by formatting and integrating messy data, which tends to be time-consuming and tedious.

However, if there was a PIM solution, the process of having a single master record would be automated. From collecting data to consolidating it, it would cover all the processes. It would also match and merge various information records, by converting them into accurate, universally-recognized data repositories. It would do so by employing data quality rules and regulations.

2. Maintaining data consistency

Inconsistent information across channels is among the main factors that contribute to customer dissatisfaction. Data is handled by numerous stakeholders along the value chain, and by the time it gets to the end customer, there is a high likelihood that the data could be corrupted or distorted. The unavailability of a centralized platform makes it hard to update product information consistently.

Having consistent product information makes it easier to obtain data uniformity by offering reliable, traceable, and real-time information regardless of the channel that customers use. this can help to make sure that the voice and presence of your brand remain consistent. It will help you to determine the source of truth for your product information, enhance your product's data quality in every channel, and offer a compelling product experience which in turn will enhance the customer experience.

3. Handling diverse data formats

During the launch of a product or service, the status of suppliers, equipment, materials could change. More so, these changes could be in any order and format. If your business does not have a centralized system to fix the data and relevant changes, the chances of spreading "bad data" across the channels tend to be high. And even if the numerous systems are integrated, there could be compatibility issues in data.

A great PIM can help to keep customers, partners, and other stakeholders informed regarding changes in data. It will swiftly communicate these changes to increase efficiency and reduce the effect of these changes on the sales cycle. It can convert, interpret, and synchronize information to get the appropriate cohesion.

Benefits of Enhancing Customer Experiences

Here are some of the benefits of creating great customer experiences with the help of a centralized platform:

  • Faster buying decisions. By developing your product information, you can answer common customer queries fast and efficiently. It could either be which technical product specifications, colours, styles, or sizes are available.
  • Fewer returns. Returns are usually a threat to the bottom line. However, a business that has complete product data tend to experience fewer returns as compared to those that don't have.
  • Buy through the marketplaces that they like. With an effective product information catalogue, clients and customers will find standardized product data that will help you to update any changes fast and easily without having to worry about increased admin or downtime.
  • Serve customers in their preferred language. The main benefit of using a centralized platform is that it can tend to numerous audiences. It is easier to access new markets or enhance your brand's reputation if your company is not limited by geographical location.
  • Obtain sale items faster. Using a centralized platform can enable you to accelerate the publishing time for new products and services across numerous platforms. This is great for launching new products that have limited availability because you can indicate and update enriched descriptions or imagery.

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