How do you perform an AB test?

perform an AB test

It is an unintentional experiment that is in two or more versions of a web page or page element and is usually shown at the same time to web visitors to determine the version that displays the maximum effect. It is also referred to as split testing.

The ‘A’ in A/B testing refers to ‘control’ while the ‘B’ refers to a new version of an original testing variable. Any guesswork in web optimization will be eliminated by ab testing. It can be used to collect data that will help one understand user behavior, engagement rate, pain points, or any satisfaction of the website features.

Performing an AB test will help a website owner save a lot of business revenue, click here for more information.

Why One Should be Considered this Form of Testing?

1. Solving visitor pain points

People visit any website with a goal that they want to satisfy. Whichever the goal of the visitor is they face common pain points. When the visitor is not able to achieve their goals after visiting the website it will lead to a bad user experience hence it is prudent to solve any common pain points.

2. Getting a better ROI from existing traffic

A/B tests will assist in making the most of the existing traffic without having to spend more money to acquire new traffic. The tests offer a high ROI which can help increase business conversions.

3. Reducing Bounce Rate

A website can have a high bounce rate due to many reasons like expectations mismatch, confusing navigation on the website, and the use of too much technical jargon. AB testing is very beneficial since it can assist your website find its best versions and will help improve the visitor’s website experience.

4. Making low-risk modifications

Performing AB tests can help a website owner make major changes to the website without redesigning the whole website. It will help maximize output which will result in an increased ROI. By running an A/B test you can be able to get the reaction of the visitors and thereby help in making changes on the website.

5. Achieving Significant Improvements

This form of testing mainly involves data collection, thus it gives no room for guesswork or any instincts. You can make significant improvements be making some changes to the features of the website

6. Redesigning the website to increase the business gains

The redesigning of the website will be implemented after running an A/B test to achieve a new version that is relevant to the visitors.

What Can You A/B test in a website?

Making a website conversion will make a huge impact on the fate of your business. It is, therefore, important to satisfy the target audience of the website’s features. You can therefore run an A/B test on the following on your website.

1. Changing Headlines and Sub headlines

Since it will be the first thing anyone will see on your website is the headline thus it will create the first impression.

2. The body

It is the main content of the website and will either satisfy the goal of the visitor or not.

3. The Subject Line

By running an AB test on your website can increase the chance of a visitor clicking the subject line.

4. The Design and Layout of the website

5. Navigation

6. The Content Depth

How To Perform An A/B test?

A/B testing will help one comprehend what works and doesn’t work as a marketing strategy. The main aim of A/B testing is to increase traffic on the website. The following steps will help you perform an A/B test.

Conduct research

It is important to research how the traffic on the website is. AB testing tools will help figure out which site is visited most and even the pages with the most time spent. The main tools used are google analytics, Omniture, and mix panel. More qualitative data can be derived from session recording tools.

Observe and Formulate Hypothesis

The qualitative and quantitative research tools will aid in formulating and observing a hypothesis that will be important in making variations.

Creating variations

Creating a variation on your hypothesis is important. A variation is an improved version of the current variation. Making a new variation based on your hypothesis will help improve traffic on the website.

Run a Test

It is important first to know the method you want to use to run the test after formulating the variations. Run the test and collect the data statistically.

Analyze the results and adopt the changes

After critically analyzing the results after running the test on the suggested variations deploy the variation with the best stats.

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