What are the benefits of herbal medicine?

Man aspires to many things, but none of his desires is stronger than that of being healthy. Plants have always played a vital role in his life: food, working tools, source of well-being... Even today, they continue to provide him with what he needs to fight diseases and stay in shape. By exploiting the various medicinal virtues and properties of plants over thousands of years, phytotherapy was born. Compared to synthesized medicine, it has many incredible advantages. Here is an overview.

Phytotherapy treats various ailments using natural remedies

The various ailments that eat away at everyday life or the undesirable side effects of a drug-based treatment can be treated perfectly well with herbal medicine. Most patients who choose to treat themselves with plants do so either because it is a method that fits their lifestyle or they are looking for an alternative to drugs. It is for these reasons that a return to traditional methods of healing has become very popular. There is a wide range of medicinal plants to treat a multiplicity of ailments. Each one of them has its fields of action for example, depression, infections, stress, fatigue, digestion... The warnings often made by specialists often concern the interactions between the solutions adopted and the risks of overdoses. Indeed, contrary to drug treatments, those by phytotherapy are not based on exact proportions or preparations.

Medicinal plants offer several possibilities of galenic forms

Medicinal plants are used in different ways depending on the desired effect. In general, the galenic form chosen depends on the recommendations given by the phytotherapist, pharmacist or naturopath. The potent active ingredient is used according to its preparation. For example, to consume a medicinal herb, it is possible to make an herbal tea, a broth or a simple classic decoction. Some specialists reduce it to a powder or make a few extractions to use it in liquid form to be swallowed. Treating oneself with phytotherapy also means using medicinal plants externally. This can be done by poultice, natural mask, bath, lotion... The results are obtained much faster.

Phytotherapy combines care and well-being

The action of natural remedies on the human body is more direct than any other treatment, which guarantees its effectiveness. Most of the time, they are used as a prevention to a specific disease or as a cure. Phytotherapy appears to be a less expensive solution to the most common illnesses encountered on a daily basis, unlike medicines that use chemical products. And apart from their therapeutic benefits, they contain surprising virtues for body and mind. Plants soothe many ailments, but at the same time, they are true sources of well-being. Through a relaxing massage based on essential oils, for example, both health and beauty are restored, not to mention the pleasure felt during the session. The skin regains suppleness and becomes pulpy. Even skin aging is prevented. The feeling of heaviness in the legs disappears, tense muscles relax, the whole body is rested. With a selection of essential oils, it is even possible to soothe aches and pains such as rheumatism and cramps.

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